Let’s start with an icebreaker, what’s a movie you can watch over & over again?
I like the Black Stallion, the soundtrack is so pretty and the shots are just all so beautiful, it's so relaxing. I also love Pee Wee's big adventure. It's Tim Burton's best movie. Oh and I love this old Elizabeth Taylor movie National Velvet, it's super nerdy but I think it's so nostalgic for me that it makes me feel safe? I like watching movies I've watched a million times before anyway because then I can do something else, like make a silly collage or plan a home reno or cook or whatever, and just listen to the movie and visualize everything that's happening. I love productivity lol
For those who don’t know you, can you give a little ‘about me’!
I'm the oldest sister and I take care of everybody. I was born in inglewood (a city in Los Angeles) and I grew up in Hawaii. I'm an artist, a mom, a surfer, a horse girl, a hiker and a plant lover. I'm Sicilian, Chippewa indian and all American :)
What is your inspiration behind your photography?
Just another artist wanting to encapsulate those moods and feels i guess
What hobbies do you feel tug on your heartstrings right now?
I am feeling very hardcore horse girl lately. like almost to my horse girl level i was at when i was like 12, which i think is the peak age for basically every horse girl. my sister and i were just discussing training some mustangs and riding the pacific crest trail actually.
Motherhood, how do you feel this season has shaped who you are today?
I have llow key been a mom for ages, the oldest sister always kind of has to be you know? But of course growing my own humans did level me up in the mom department. I feel kinda the same though, same girl, just more loving towards all humans. Its like my capacity for love has increased, I'm much more empathetic now. Way more tired though also lol...
Any advice for new mamas or ones with little ones on the way?
Sleep now before the little things arrive to torture you. Keep doing your favorite things, dont neglect your hobbies. Bring your kids everywhere, make them nap on the beach, sleep during loud parties, don't stop socializing or hanging out with your friends or traveling. Its wayyyy more work doing all those same activities with your kids, but you gotta keep going! And then take naps when they do haha. Also don't forget to use your postpartum wrap! So many girls don't and they're so crucial to recovery.
What would you tell your younger self?
Nothin, she did a good job I think. All the bad decisions I learned from so glad I made those too.
Any fun Holiday traditions you are looking forward to?
We take a Christmas road trip every year :) gonna be fun with two kids this year hehe
If you had to choose one of our gift guide persona for yourself - which one are you + why?
I'm into the gifts for the bath devotee because I lovvvve a good bath. Love that alone time haha
What Slowtide products are you gifting to friends this season?
I love the Kingston throw blanket and the waffle bath towels are so cozy!