MBJ is a latina-owned business based in Southern California. Each piece celebrates a unique detail observed in the elements. Crafted from solid brass, sterling silver, and gold these pieces are meant to be well-worn and treasured.

When did you start Moneh Brisel Jewelry?
MBJ actually has its origins in the Caribbean! I used to live in the Dominican Republic with my now husband. This is where I started to learn how to work with metal. MBJ is now going on seven years!
“Little did I know that moving to the Dominican Republic six years ago, would start my journey as a jeweler. I quickly became a beachcomber with a desire to learn something new. My first designs were made from brass shapes I hand cut with my saw and sea glass I found along the shores. Over the years, I have worked on my metal smithing skills and have slowly grown this business to be what it is today. After living in the DR for four years, my partner and I made the big move to CA where I decided to put all my energy towards this jewelry business."

What or who inspired you to start your brand?
Definitely my time on the island. It was the place that inspired me to connect my love for the ocean along with working with my hands. Making jewelry was the perfect fit!

What or who are you currently inspired by?
There is so much to be inspired by! To name a few . . . I pay attention to the natural world around me, taking delight in the details and scenes before me. I’m inspired by acts of kindness I see throughout my day. And I find myself always returning to the words of poets Mary Oliver and David Whyte.

Any advice for aspiring creatives?
Let’s see, I think making space to regularly (daily if possible!) explore or express your creativity without the pressure of it needing to be “good” and instead thinking of it more as play. Also, I definitely recommend the“Artist's Way” by Julia Cameron. It’s a great companion and guide to anyone looking for support in their creativity.

When you're not creating, what are you up to?
I’m a new mom, so typically I’m with my little guy who I love indescribably! We enjoy going to the beach, (if I can get a chance to surf, that’s always a plus!), local coffee shops, thrifting, and sharing a nice meal with friends.

What is your dream trip where you feel you can gather the most creative inspiration from?
There are a couple places on my radar, but I would love to visit Spain and Italy to experience all the sights, food, & culture. A tropical getaway to Lombok for a longboard surf trip would be pretty dreamy too.
Shop MBJ here
Follow MBJ on Instagram here