Meet Creative Director and artist, Schuyler beecroft. His designs always leave you feeling good. He handles the art at the surf institution that is mollusk and also has collaborated with us on our Out the Back towel, which we now have in a new color way this season. Get inspired by him today + read through our exclusive interview with him today.
When did you start painting?
I started painting my sophomore year of high school. I was making mostly junk at that time, but I couldn’t kick my curiosity.

What or who inspired you to start creating art?
There was a surf shop in Virginia Beach that I would frequent in my early high school years, and they had a little viewing area in the back where Thomas Campbell’s films were on loop. Sprout was particularly inspiring to me on a holistic level. Each character had their own unique sensibility, and it made me question whether or not I had something creative to offer.
What did you like about designing a towel?
I really love the “canvas” - a two sided composition that has a multitude of uses on a daily basis.
What or who are you currently inspired by?
Right now I'm pretty fixated on Ray Johnson's collage work, Bruno Munari's design philosophies, and Tauba Auerbach's material exploration.

Any advice for aspiring artists?
Make experiments. All the best visual solutions come from accidents.
What is a change you've made in your life that has made the most impact on you or the people around you?
Making a cross country move to a city where I didn't know anyone put me in a lot of challenging situations, but those experiences created a new found confidence I didn't possess before.

When you're not creating, what are you up to?
I surf a lot :)

What is your dream trip?
A winter catamaran journey through the BVIs is pretty high up on the list.
Do you have a favorite product?
The Turkish Blankets!