Today is World Art Day, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to celebrate with some of the most talented artists we know. We’ve asked each artist to share what they love about creating their work, and one sentiment of advice for the next generation of artists. Art is a universal language we all understand - get inspired & dive in. Keep scrolling!
No matter what path you are on, everyone has their own journey and the most important part of life is being true to your authentic self. Follow what makes you happy, passions above everything is a motto I live by. Push yourself to create every day no matter what and surround yourself with likeminded people who empower you to better yourself and your crafts, community is vital.
Stay up to date with Iggy - click here!
Ty Williams

Our lives are filled with white noise and intense voices hitting us from all sides, so it’s really special to be able to share illustrations and designs and bring some light and softness to the equation. (At least that’s my hope anyway)..
Making things with my hands and painting isn’t really a choice for me since I’m not good with computers (and I feel like most of our world depends on knowing how to use them well) - I just love creating and if it wasn’t art, it would be something else, maybe I’d be making donuts, but I’d have to do whatever it was to keep my mind busy. - I think that’s key.Susanna Cromwell

We all have a perspective on this world and emotions to correspond with that perspective. Being a visual artist allows me to translate those emotions into visceral form without using words. I see a plant and I say “gosh that’s beautiful” but my lack of poetry leaves the depths of that sentiment feeling shallow. Instead, I see that plant- feel how it moves me- and rather than attempting to form words around it I dance with the feeling using my blocks, carvers, papers, ink, and thread to choreograph an image that not only communicates but hopefully transfers my perspective and stomach-felt emotion to the viewer.
Lauryn Alvarez

I love being free to create whatever comes to mind. There’s a sense of child like wonder I’m channeling when working, and I also just feel very present. Some advice I’d like to give aspiring artists is to love what you do and to be open to learning and growing with your work.
To stay up to date with Lauryn, follow her IG!
Cecilia Granata

Creating art is not only my job but my therapy as well. I get fully absorbed into something that challenges me, pushes me into new ways while also embracing me and making me feel at home in my otherwise anxious and disruptive brain. It’s an exercise of mindfulness, it’s that “no thinking” that we aim to in order to experience peace.
To the next generation I say make art that invites change, create with intention, be inclusive and stay weird.
Keep in touch with Cecilia - click here!
Thanks for following along. Happy World Art Day!