In celebration of our conscious collaboration, Slowtide photographer ambassador, Alana Spencer, teamed up with Seeababe ambassador, Rosie Jaffurs, to surf and document the launch of our collaborative organic cotton towel collection. We chatted with Alana to learn more about the photo project. All the photos shown here were shot by Alana.
Slowtide: How did you originally link up with Rosie?
Alana Spencer: Well, Rosie and I have been friends since elementary school. We grew up together here on the North Shore and played on many soccer teams together. She has always been such a fun, bubbly person to be around. I've loved watching her surfing evolve over the years and how dedicated she is to showcase style and grace through it always.

S: You can tell in the photographs how much fun you’re having together. Do you enjoy taking photos of your friends?
AS: Getting to shoot projects with friends is the best because it's more like just hanging out and documenting along the way. It's my favorite way to shoot, whether I'm in the water or on land.

S: What is the planning like for a project like this? Where did you end up going?
AS: For this project, we met up on three different days at some of our favorite beaches here on the North Shore. Since we were also shooting the Seea suits, we relied on the weather to tell us what we should shoot that day. A rainy evening session felt like a Long Jane type of day, and the sunnier days we met up on felt like a good time to shoot the other suits alongside the lightweight (Turkish towel name) and (other towel name) against the vibrant turquoise water and warm sky.
S: Three days, multiple beaches and all types of weather.. Sounds like you had an epic adventure. Tell us one of your highlights.
AS: One of my favorite moments from the shoot was actually when Rosie's boyfriend Keoki Saguibo traded with me in the water and let me ride a few waves on his longboard while he shot with my water housing and tried to fit into my swim fins. Being a water photographer as well, he knows how fun it is to get to ride a few after watching so many good ones through the viewfinder.
To stay up to date with Alana and Rosie, be sure to follow their Instagrams: @coconutcomradery and @rosiejaffurs! Our 100% organic cotton towel collaboration with Seea is now available for your purchasing pleasure here. Lastly, if you're interested in learning more about Slowtide's sustainability story, feel free to read more here!