We have known Alana Paterson for years and together, have taken some amazing trips through Spain, Morroco, and of course, her home province of British Columbia. Her work has appeared in numerous international publications and she works with clients from around the world. She has both Canadian and British passports and is an avid traveler. Alana owns and operates her own vessel, a 25-foot aluminum crew boat, Cape Annie, and is an active member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. She is most comfortable in marine environments. Alana is currently situated on the B.C. coast but is available globally.
Join Alana's journey through her idea of paradise on the road.
"Being on the road seeing a bunch of stuff you've never seen before is my idea of paradise. From Todos Santos to Vancouver Via Arizona and Utah with my boyfriend, my best friend, and a dog we stole from Mexico."
Camera used: Nikon f100, Portra Kodak film

Lunch on Mars.

Danny standing on sketchy bute in the grand canyon at sunrise.

The view from the Bute.

I try not to take too many photos from cars as they tend to be a waste of film and I consider them "shooting from the saddle" but this one kind of gives me road trip feels so it gets the pass.

A hot spring treasure in Eastern Oregon.

Danny making truck bed coffee at sunrise. A lot of sunrises on this trip.

A road in Southern Utah I liked.

This is Indiana Bones who we rescued from the streets up Mexico where we started our road trip. When we found her she was not far from her last days. She now lives happily in Canada after seeing 4000+ miles of the continental U.S.
Check out more on Alana's work here: