We first met Nick LaVecchia about two years ago, around his hometown in Maine to better understand his places for inspiration when he uses a camera in lieu of a paintbrush and a strip of film as a canvas. Nick is a self-taught visual artist and storyteller and we are lucky to work with him. He is dedicated and possesses a growing passion for light, color, and composition.
"My idea of paradise....hmmm. The tropics are nice, but I tend to lean towards the chance for sub freezing temps, a foot of snow, ice, and minimal humans. I really love the change of seasons. It's like hitting reset mentally and creatively, every few months. But when winter comes, whether at home in Maine or somewhere in the Arctic, I get really excited to make new work."
Shot on Fuji XPro2, X100F

The backyard. Windblown and beautiful.

Snowflakes and smiles. Anna Ehrgott post blizzard session in Maine.

Jeff Myers. Alaska alone.

I can still feel those black sand pebbles blasting the back of my legs. Warren Smith slowly making some decisions in Iceland.

Morning commute. Eddie Donnelan. Maine January 2018.

Nobody home. Iceland.

Myself, enjoying the -10º paradise of home. January 2018.

Watching the Atlantic freeze over before my eyes.

Winter snowfall over the Atlantic.
Follow more of Nick's journeys here.