Troy Thomas is a SoCal-based student photographer / former superstar Slowtide intern with a huge love for surfing, friends and the beach. Currently, he attends college in San Diego - he's right on the water and has premium access to waves and endless sunsets. After seeing Troy's talents at work and experiencing his great energy firsthand, we knew it was only right to have him featured on this blog. Keep reading to learn more about Troy's definition of paradise.

"Paradise for me is any place that can make you slow down and appreciate the world around you. Whether I am hiking with friends, surfing, or photographing waves, there are always moments that make you stop and look around at how beautiful the world is. These are the moments which your senses take over and cause you to be completely present.
Most recently, I have been able to find my Paradise at Sunset Cliffs in San Diego. Being fortunate to have our school right on the cliffs, the hangout spot for most students is in the water right in front of school. There are always friendly faces, good waves, and beautiful sunsets. Sounds like Paradise to me!"

TT: Just before the storm. This photo was taken just as a storm was coming in, but the sun from behind my back still shone on the wave to create an extremely moody lighting. Just 15 minutes later and the sun was back out with an incredible rainbow right over the water.

TT: The morning of this photo our surf team coach called off practice because it was “too cold and windy to surf.” I still decided to check it out, and am I sure glad I did. He was right about the cold part though.

TT: Another photo from the winter at Sunset Cliffs. This was my lookout point that my buddies and I would use to check if the waves were good.

TT: My friend Garrison enjoying one of the prettiest sunsets at my favorite place. It is even better when you are able to enjoy these moments with friends.

TT: Solo mission to check out the predicted heavy winds. I had about 10 shots left on my roll and thought I would give it a try.
All photos were taken in San Diego and were shot on either a Canon T3i or a Canon EOS-1N.
Want to keep up with Troy's adventures? Follow him on instagram!