We sat down with the Mitch from Lifewithoutandy and discussed how they got their start and created their dream jobs. Check out our collaboration towel so you're never without a babe at the beach here.
How did you first get started with the site? Any story behind the name?
Well, Mitch and I were lucky enough to be traveling a ton with our jobs at the time to some awesome spots so in a roundabout way we figured why not try documenting these journeys on a website… That was when we realized we had to come up with a name which as you would know aint that easy, as easy easy it is ha… In the end we went with Life Without Andy which was a based about a reference to Andy Warhol.
How long have you been shooting photos and were there any photographers that inspired you?
For as long as we can remember but a lot more since the birth of LWA… Too many inspirations to name cause there is so many :)

Can you tell us a little bit about the best party you have ever been to?
We were lucky enough to put on a big Halloween party with our good mates Monster Children and Budweiser back in 2015 which was insane. If your in town this year for Halloween we are gonna link up with those guys and put on an even bigger one… Come along!

Describe a typical day for you?
Generally start the day quite early with a surf or something then waste some time on the internet, jump in the car and get to work. Then it depends on what we have on, generally 2 of the 5 days a week we will be shooting something and maybe a festival on the weekend if its the summer season… We were at this on the weekend and was rad, that Desiigner rapper is a lord. We had to shoot some of the artists in a studio we had there on site and he was cool as… Thats pretty much it… We do enjoy fun.

Most difficult thing about shooting beautiful women?
Nothing at all.

Best thing about Australia?

Best thing about Australia?
The Australian Sprit. The Beaches. The Coffee. Newcastle. Shane Warne and Andrew Johns.