If you visit Tofino, you will likely come across some of Braden's inspiring designs. He takes a unique approach to art and works with a variety of mediums. Our favorite pieces are his "Still scared of seaweed' beeswax candles.
We caught up with Braden on what inspires his creativity + advice he has for aspiring artist.
Read through below. Images from his IG. Check out his website out here.

When did you start designing?
I guess high school was when I latched on to 'Art' as a subject. After a brief stint at OCADU in Toronto, I started working on developing my own visual language and have been working toward that ever since.

What or who inspired you to start creating art?
Skateboarding. Board graphics, stickers, music, that Spitfire flaming head and more... it's all-encompassing.

What did you like about designing a towel?
I haven't yet! But, the best part about a towel is thinking about it's contrast to space-- a brightly colored pattern on neutral sand or bold illustration hanging off your polished surfboard.

What or who are you currently inspired by?
My current inspiration is 'West Coast Garage'. Think WD40, Solarez Ding Repair, Shoe Goo and outdoor equipment. There's a full library of honest and classic designs in there.

Any advice for aspiring artists?
It takes time. I'm a slow learner, sometimes a slow mover on ideas. It's taken me a long time to realize that it's all a part of the process and rushing things isn't always the answer. Especially in our humming digital world.

What is a change you've made in your life that has made the most impact on you or the people around you?
Moving to the beach was a big change from my family in Toronto. I've been staying here on the West Coast of Vancouver Island for just over 4 years and it has provided me with a lot of friendships, creative work and an outdoor lifestyle. The one hard part is trading up hometown roots, family and friends for this remote life, but I do my best to visit one or twice a year.

When you're not creating, what are you up to?
Besides surfing on good swells or skating on dry days, I've been really into learning how to cook a good meal. Slowly acquiring my cookware quiver.

What is your dream trip?
I'm itching for another trip to NZ. The tropics are great and all but the cold water reminds me of home and the camping is all-time. Also-- if you haven't been, the skateparks are either super fun or super strange.

Do you have a favorite product?
My favorite products are my Clive bath towels. Good quality, heavy weight and simple designs.