Josh Mulcoy’s dedication to exploring cold and remote places in search of surf serves as an inspiration to many. We have had the pleasure of exploring with Josh and witnessing his timeless style on and off the board. Read more about what gets Josh out of bed below.

When did you start surfing?
I started surfing when I was 10 years old. It's hard to believe that that was 42 years ago.

What or who inspired you to start surfing?
Without a doubt my dad was the one who inspired me to surf. He would always bring me with him so it was kind of a natural evolution that I would start surfing with him.

What or who are you currently inspired by?
I think now and surfing and more inspired to just get away from people and stare at the mountains and trees, I realize that it is a meditation that brings me happiness daily. The surfers I enjoy watching the most are the ones that make the extremely hard look very easy, style is everything.

Any advice for aspiring surfers?
Do it for the love of the activity, don't get caught up in the hype and follow your own path.

What was your favorite part about our last Slowtide trip?
Everything, It sounds kind of funny to say but it’s actually true. From the crew that was involved in that trip kicking it in the sauna and the surf fun waves with just us out and no one around, it’s too hard to pick out one part that would be my favorite of that trip.

What is a change you've made in your life that has made the most impact on you or the people around you?
Oh without a doubt moving from Santa Cruz to Tofino and then having two kids. I think this has impacted myself and people close to me in a positive and a negative way. Without a doubt the negative would be leaving close friends that I grew up with behind in Santa Cruz but the positive is having kids and experiencing a new place to live that I’ve always enjoyed visiting.

When you're not surfing, what are you up to?
Water skiing ha. When I’m not surfing I’m either working on my travel business or hanging out with my wife and kids.

What is your dream trip?
It’s funny to think about my dream trip because I would way rather be in trunks than in a wetsuit, but the places that make me happy the most are empty cold mountainous places. My dream trip would still be traveling through Alaska and having a helicopter at my disposal to go to all the places that I’ve seen on maps and dreamed of going.

Do you have a favorite product?
Your heated vest. Ha If it’s a slowtide item then Definitely the waterproof changing poncho. Other than that MTE mid slips from Vans.